Thursday, September 20, 2007

Elton John

What is with me and all the celebrity dreams? I mean, I dream about celebrities almost every night. I think that is just weird.

Last night, no acception. I was working a concert for someone, backstage, and all these people were coming and going. I don't remember exactly what my role was for being there, but, there I was. It wasn't an Elton John concert. He showed up in his 70's outfits, and was dancing and singing. I got into dancing with him. We were having fun.

I wish I could remember more of it. but I was looking rather stunning. :ha;


BraveHeart said...

That's cool, dreaming of celebrities.

I had a dream a long time ago, that included Michael Jackson. He came in the hot air baloon. Although I wasn't a kid when I dreamt it, I was a kid in a dream. So, I conclude, he is a peter pan indeed.

BraveHeart said...

about the "Little Man", that is such a great thoughtful thing to do for the child.


Lance Abel said...

lol that's weird man!
i've NEVER dreamt of a celebrity. or perhaps i'm a narcissist, which is why I keep dreaming of myself...a star in everyday life. weird.